Monday, March 1, 2010

Dennis Dun: Cinema hero

Remember Dennis Dun?

What a man.

It's weird how people just sometimes pop into my head randomly, and today that person was Dennis. Although I may not have remembered his name, it was the images of him kicking ass and taking an assortment of names in Big Trouble in Little China that stirred me. And maybe it was just me, but there was something really reassuring and friendly about his voice in that movie. If we were lucky enough to have known each other I think we would have been best friends.

That's him behind Jack's left shoulder. Look at that stare.
And someone screwed up with this poster, cause that looks absolutely nothing like Kurt Russell.
Just saying....
Anyway, Dennis, I'm just saying that even if everyone else forgets you, I won't. You'll always be an academy award winning actor in my book.