Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Day of Magical Thinking

Once upon a time, Peter Pan thought "happy thoughts" and learned to fly. But is it just that easy, Peter? Can we all just do the same thing and fly to wherever we want to be, to some life or career we desire, or some kind of fulfillment found in everyday existence? It sounds great, though I worry by focusing too much on happiness people can become blind to the injustice and pain in the world. We can not be ignorant, but we also can not live in sadness and pain.

Perception is the key. There are positives and negatives in every life - even ones that seem perfect to an outsider. We can't choose that, it seems. What we can choose is to focus on joy and what we can bring to other people. Be careful, though, not everything that feels good ends well. Think outside the box of peer pressure and know that only something filled with love is worthwhile. You can make the best or the worst of it, they say, so make the best of it.

I have a simple challenge: Pick a day, and choose to not listen to yourself. Don't listen to the doubts, the fears, or the laziness inside. Listen for the part of you that says "Go for it." No, this is not like "Yes Man" or anything, I just want to test who've we become over the years and what we are blocking out of our lives. Talk to people, believe in what you say, and become Passionate for something, even if that means having the courage to say "no, that's not right." Try it, and maybe for a second, anything will seem possible in this muddled world of ours.

Girls - Lust for Life

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